Thursday, March 4, 2010


Unifying forces are and have been acting all around the planet, and they are just beginning to form critical mass. Dan Emmons, for example.

He's helped me focus on evolving my own consciousness by eliminating obstacles to my happiness.
I've been one of his clients for two years over the telephone. If the phone works for you, give him a call at 505 310 2386 There's a waiting list, but it's worth a short wait.

He taught me that:
You can connect to your potential, it wants to take place. All you have to do is remember it's aching to manifest itself. Just give it a little help. You'll get a sense of his part of Grand Unification by going to for his book: Life Force

Here's a quote via Dan:
"The power that makes grass grow, fruit ripen, and guides the bird in flight is within us all." ~ Anzia Yezierska (1880-1970)

YOU ARE INVITED to post to this blog the people, and events that are helping to shape a more unified world. Sign on as a "Follower", leave a message and a way to get back to you.
Jack Canfield tells a story about walking along a beach with a friend and coming to a beaching of thousands of starfish. Jack bent down, picked one up and threw it into the surf. His friend declared: "What's the point? Your not making a difference." Jack paused, tossed anoth

A year after I graduated from high school I heard Robert Kennedy deliver what is now known as the "Ripple Speech", it is worthy you, of 32 minutes your time. If you're limited to only 6 minutes, here's a leaf fallen from that tree... Double click on image to go to full screen.

Building Healthy Communities

In 2010, The California Endowment embarked on a new, 10-year strategic direction: Building Healthy Communities. The goal is to support the development of communities where kids and youth are healthy, safe and ready to learn.

Here's another example. The ManKind Project is worth a moment of exploration.

From the ManKind Project... a Collective experiment.
Why don't we organize a healing day, a day of apology for the mistakes of the past?

1 comment:

  1. Here's a message from the first to follow this blog:

    Honored to be invited as your first member of your Grand Unification Now blogspot, please know how graciously appreciative I am... Thank you....

    Please know too I'm absolutely fascinated with your profile denoted on there. Would it be feasible to create a thread of continuum in correspondence.

    Specifically interested in brain development, please know that one of the wonderful myriad opportunities I'm blessed with is: Lead - Youth Development Domain of a multi-disciplinary iniative titled: WRPP - Wellness & Restorative Practice Partnership. In Cherokee Point neighborhood, our neighborhood based strategy - the Domains are; Mental Health, Wellness, School Climate, Prevention, Restorative Practice/Restorative Justice, Evaluation and RAA (Resident Advisory Alliance).

    The CA Endowment is investing a ten year plan on "Systems Change & Advocacy through Resident Engagement". City Heights is the only community chosen in San Diego County. City Heights is also the most diverse community in the United States. We align with 13 other communities in California all moving foward on transforming our punitive "systems" to a culture of caring.

    Also, I'm Co-Chair of Peace Promotion which is one of the Momentum Teams moving forward in the Building Healthy Communities plan throughout the entire community of City Heights.

    Fascinated by the profound impact of violence in our brain, I'm consistently going to trainings on Trauma Informed Care. San Diego, as a county, is moving forward on becoming a Trauma Informed Care county, on all levels.

    Infusing that knowledge into both Peace Promotion, and specifically, into the 90 hours Semester of Leadership, your expertise and wisdom would be powerful for expanding my frame of reference and lens.

    Please know too the 90 hour Semester of Leadership will be infused with a Service Learning project in which the youth, ages 9 to 17, will create, design, implement, and evaluate a sustainable Service Learning project with a Specific Aim on Social Justice.

    Tremendously excited, I'm simply exhilarated with this exemplary opportunity. Beyond serendipity....

    In gratitude, thank you Toby...
    In light, love, and peacefulness within...
